Thursday, May 22, 2008

All Around Cusco

Yesterday we finally pulled out the Duquesne Magazine for some of our group shots to try and get one of them into an upcoming issue. We think the first one with the alpacas and a few of the locals has the best shot of getting in.

We spent the day touring around Cusco. We visited four Inca sites in the morning, including Saqsaywaman which is pronounced something like "Sexy Woman." As you might imagine, we had a great deal of fun with that name. After lunch we toured some other sites in the city and then broke early to do some shopping and to relax a little from the last few days.

It was a little difficult to get around the city, however, because yesterday was the Corpus Christi festival in Cusco and there were tons of people assembling in the city square. The festival went from the early afternoon long into the night, as we kept hearing fireworks go off as we were trying to fall asleep.

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