Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Real Steak Eaters at Duquesne

Today was a pretty light day for us. It started out with a presentation at one of the 23 Argentinian Wal-Mart stores. Then, of course, we had a chance to browse around the store and pick up supplies for our hotel rooms. We were impressed with the scope of video game units available. You could choose from a PlayStation 3 stocked alongside an original Sega Genesis circa 1995.

Afterwards we had a free afternoon. Many people went shopping, and some of us went out to the largest book fair in Latin America. A bunch of the students went to a big soccer game (hopefully I can get some of their pictures tomorrow), while the rest of us went to a great steakhouse. We had about eight of these enormous steaks with all of the fixings for less than USD $250. Professor Marlin always talks about Economics majors being the "steak eaters" in the business school, but I think the title has to switch to us after tonight's meal.

For the record, we must note that Tim was the only one to finish his 750g (26.56oz) steak. (And he even made room for dessert!) See him hoist his knife in glory below. Congratulations, Tim, and I have some Tums in my suitcase in case you need them.

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