Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day from Santiago, Chile

Most importantly, we want to start off today's post with Mother's Day greetings to all of our mothers out there. (I especially want to wish my mom a happy Mother's Day. See, maintaining this blog does come with some privileges!)

We are now in Santiago, Chile, where we will be until next Sunday morning. There were no problems with the flight that we had today (other than the trouble that most of us had with the on-board personal entertainment units!) , and everyone managed to make it through immigration unscathed.

After arriving at the hotel, we took a three-hour city tour in the late afternoon. The highlights were the Cerro Santa Lucia, a large park poised on a peak in the middle of the city; and Palacio de la Moneda, where General Pinochet disposed of Socialist Salvador Allende in 1973 (the first picture above). While we were very impressed with the cleanliness of Santiago compared with Buenos Aires, the number of stray, homeless dogs wandering the streets is quite striking.

The whole group decided to go out for pizza at a highly recommended restaurant called Tiramisu. The pizza was great, and several of us agreed that the actual tiramisu was good enough that the establishment could bear that name. (What were we supposed to do? Go to a restaurant named "Tiramisu" and not try the nominal dish? Come on!)

Tomorrow we start our string of business visits and presentations here in Santiago, so look for some more boring pictures of conference rooms. Stay tuned! (Actually, we're headed to the Ritz Carton Hotel tomorrow afternoon, so the pictures should be pretty good.)

This last picture just confirms that we all are still in good spirits. I chuckle whenever I see it. (Yes, sometimes I have the maturity of an eighth grader!)

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