Saturday, May 10, 2008

Last Day to Tango

Yesterday was another light day on the schedule. We had a business visit in the morning to a small company that is getting ready to celebrate its 70th anniversary, Macrodent. They make products that are the raw materials for crowns and bridges. The people there couldn't have been more friendly and welcoming to us. They even served us a special lunch! It was a great opportunity to see the inner workings of a small company and to hear the challenges that they face from the government's economic policy that sometimes changes on a whim.

The afternoon was free, and most of us took advantage of the opportunity to do some shopping. At night, most of us went for a tango lesson, while the majority of the others watched the Pens go up 1-0 against the Flyers!

Well, now it's off to Uruguay for the day, so look for more pictures tonight!

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