Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greetings from Cusco, Peru!

The last leg of our journey began today as we flew to Cusco via Lima. We arrived in the late afternoon and immediately were awestruck by our location tucked into the mountains. We also had to adjust to the altitude, which is over 11,000 feet above sea level here. Luckily the hotel had some tea made from Coco leaves for us, which is supposed to help lessen the blow.

After a briefing about the plans for tomorrow, we all explored the city in small groups for dinner. We are staying in the historic part of the city, so all of the streets are narrow and lined with cobblestones, some of which are the original Incan roads. It's a really cool little city. We have another early 5:45am departure time tomorrow, this time for the Inca Trail and then Machu Picchu on Tuesday, so stay tuned for some great shots.

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