Friday, May 16, 2008

Concha y Tasty!

Yesterday we got back to the academic portion of the trip (Boo!). After a presentation by IBM in the hotel in the morning, we went out to tour Concha y Toro, Chile's most famous winery abroad. The tour even included a visit to the "Devil's Cellar," complete with devil silhouette and, of course, some wine tasting. (I mean, it would have been rude for us to have gone out there and not tasted the wine, right?)

In the evening many of us went to the Paris-Santiago ballet at which I was able to get a pretty decent nap. I guess I'll never understand ballet, but here's my summary anyway. The music was great, primarily thanks to the pianist that looked like Kurt Vonnegut. The highlight (?) was a woman dragging around a yelping toy dog. And the cast took, count them, 14 bows at the end of the show. That's what I understood. Maybe my attention was distracted by Kurt Vonnegut. Anyway, I'm off to get my Breakfast of Champions, so look for details of our sometimes-calamitous "free afternoon" later today. (See what I did there?)

1 comment:

Dr. William Spangler said...

The other highlights were the simultaneous convulsions and spasms ... and perhaps the guy who painted a picture during the entire performance. I believe they were the "Paris" part of the "Paris-Santiago" show. The music was Chilean (and VERY cool); the convulsions, spasms and toy dogs were French!

Plus, Dr. Drake didn't mention that afterwards we had the WORST dining experience EVER (apologies to Comic Book Guy). But it at least gives us something to chuckle about!