Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chalk Off Another Country: Uruguay

Today was our day trip to Uruguay, Colonia del Sacramento. We boarded the hour-long boat ride around 11am, and we spent the day in this quaint little village. All of us enjoyed the opportunity to traipse around this Spanish and Portuguese (depending on the historical time period) colony. Many feasted on the gigantic Chivitos, a sandwich with steak, ham, bacon, fried egg, cheese, and fixins, which is basically the Uruguayan version of a Primanti's sandwich.

Upon our return to Buenos Aires, the majority of the group went to a dinner show called the Opera Pampa that tells the story of Argentine history in a little over an hour. (I don't know what the rest of the group did. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.) The performance was in a large outdoor arena and included live horses, some of which are pictured below.

There was a pre-show reception with wine and empanadas as appetizers, and the show was followed by a great Argentine barbeque consisting of meat, meat, and more meat. (As if those steaks the other night weren't enough!)

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Chile, so we had to bid adios to our Argentine hosts, Paola and Tanya. They did a tremendous job for us, and we only hope that our paths are able to cross again (i.e., next year's trip!). And it is here that we shall bid adios to you as well, Gentle Blog Reader. We'll sign on again from Santiago. Buenas Noches!

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