Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

What a world we live in...they even have internet access in Machu Picchu! Yesterday was definitely one of the highlights of our entire trip as many of us ventured across the Inca Trail for six grueling hours to finish with a breathtaking view of Machu Picchu. The others had a shorter but also arduous trek starting at Machu Picchu. While most of us were as tired and sore as we've ever been afterwards, we all agree that it was a day that we'll never forget.

Now we are headed into the Machu Picchu site itself for a guided tour this morning, and then we have a four-hour train ride back to Cusco. So stay tuned for more spectacular pictures tonight! (Note that I promise that I did take that picture at the top. It's so difficult to take a bad picture here!)

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